B2Data Kft. is one of the few companies who has a working thin-client based solution for queuing systems including more than 100 branches. We have extensive practical knowledge about servicing and maintaining such large branch networks.

Numeric displays

Numeric display

All displays are connected to the LAN and are controlled with TCP/IP commands. They can be controlled through the Internet if needed.

Casing is made of plexi and different colors and shapes can be choosed.

Contains only high quality parts:

  • 7 segment led numbers.
  • Variable digits: 3, 3+2, 3+2+nyíl, 4, 4+2, 4+2+arrow, 4+3.
  • In 2 height: 57mm or 101mm.
  • Default is red numbers.
  • Options:
    • bell

The display has a high contrast, viewable in indirect sunlight.

Numeric display