B2Data Kft. is one of the few companies who has a working thin-client based solution for queuing systems including more than 100 branches. We have extensive practical knowledge about servicing and maintaining such large branch networks.

B2Next Queuing Systems


B2Next is an innovative queuing system with custom solutions. Beside the normal queuing functions it can manage backoffice tasks too. Branch networks can be serviced and maintained from a central location. The integrated B2Dataminer OLAP System helps with statistics to organize and redistribute the workforce.

Main system functions (without the complete list):

  • call, transfer and park tickets
  • out-office waiting based on extimated waiting time
  • backoffice work
  • detailed statistics
  • central server

B2Next can be integrated with B2Time Booking Systems

Screenshots during use:

Call page: B2Next
Backoffice page: B2Next
Staff settings: B2Next
Dataminer settings, time dimension: B2Next
Visual workday table: B2Next
Feedback questionary editor: B2Next